Until recently Cristina was in a group at gymnastics with girls who were mostly 4 or more years older than her. (They have moved up to a higher level, while she stayed at her current level. She is now with girls closer to her age - some are even younger - and that makes this momma happy.) Several of the older girls she is friends with at gymnastics have cell phones. She really wanted one so she could fit in with them. Well, there was no way that was going to happen while she was in first grade. We compromised and told her if she earned all As and Bs in first grade we would get her an iPod touch or something similar. She did really well in first grade and earned all As and Bs, but then we had a problem. For Christmas my parents bought all the grandkids Leap Pads. This gave her a device with apps and games. She already had a DS that also gave her a device for games. Now, she told us she wanted the iPod for music, but listening to music just isn't something she does a lot. We told her we would find something she would really want to reward her hard work, but that we didn't want to buy her something that would just sit on a shelf and not be used. We went to San Diego this summer. At the San Diego zoo they have an arcade area. The ring toss game was giving away giant pillow pet penguins. Cristina just happens to love penguin pillow pets. She has the regular sized one. She has the mini one. She has the dream light one. She even has the mini dream light one. She decided that was what she wanted instead of an iPod. Eddie briefly considered playing to win her one, but then thought of having to buy an extra airplane ticket to get the thing home. I mean it is four feet wide. Being the expert googler that he is, Eddie found where to buy Jumbo Penguin Pillow Chums. (Basically the same thing as pillow pets, but a different brand.) As soon as we got home, he started trying to order one. They were constantly out of stock. This went on for the rest of the summer. Finally, during the first week of school, Cristina decided to check to see if they were in stock. They were!!! Eddie sat down and ordered it immediately, even though we were in the middle of getting ready to go to school. Now came the agonizing wait for it to get here. Finally, all the waiting has come to an end. The collection of pillow pet penguins has grown enormously.

The box arrives!!!
So excited!!!
Finally, she gets to hug it.
OMG! They both fit on it.
On Saturday we tried to go to the TCU football game. Football should not be allowed in 100 degree weather at 11 in the morning. We made it just past the first quarter when we had to admit defeat to the heat. Luckily the Horned Frogs did not admit defeat. Go Frogs!!!
Cute Cousin Cheerleaders cheer on the Horned Frogs
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